More About Me
Jack is a professional animal caretaker, presenter, and the creator of the Hi Red Bird! YouTube channel. Jack has spent his professional career working with a wide variety of animals (everything from budgies to elephants) while utilizing a vast array of animal care approaches. The Hi Red Bird! YouTube channel he created is a culmination of all the tips and tricks he has honed over the years. With a particular emphasis on enrichment and training, Jack hopes to help others foster their love and appreciation of animals and the natural world.

Our Programs
Professional Presentations & Publications
"Feathered Fun: Scheduling. Documenting. and Soaring to New Heights in Avian Enrichment" - American Federation of Aviculture National Conference, August 2023
"Birdie Basics - How Much Time Does a Parrot Take?" - Seattle Parrot Expo National Conference, September 2022
“Feather-Touch Aviculture: Managing Your Avian Collection with a Light Hand” - American Federation of Aviculture National Conference, August 2022
“Cheap, Quick, and Easy: Foraging Toys for the Pressed Parrot Parent” - Parrot Festival National Conference, January 2022
“Keeping Like a Keeper: Utilizing Professional Animal Care Protocols to Influence Pet Care” - American Federation of Aviculture National Conference, August 2021
“Let’s Make a Sandwich: Understanding Approximations to Shape Complex Behaviors” - American Federation of Aviculture National Conference, August 2021
"Animals of Australia - Meeting Australian Animals Commonly Kept as Pets" - Seattle Parrot Expo Virtual Conference, September 2020
“These are Parrots, Not Penguins: Developing Evacuation Protocols in the Face of Natural Disasters” - American Federation of Aviculture National Conference, August 2020
“Utilizing Vocal Warm-ups to Improve Informal Educational Programming” - NAI Region VI Workshop, Feb. 2012

Virtual Sessions!
Many of these presentations can also be adapted to online format for bird clubs, scout groups, schools, libraries, and more! Contact to find out more!